Got a lot of positive feedback on the last post, so I figured I'd put up some more links to interesting programs/links
- Google pedometer - Measure the length of paths using google maps! (double click to mark path anchors).
- Deskwin - A little application for Windows that gives you multiple desktops. What makes it nicer than most other applications is that it's easy to move windows between desktops (drag them in the little preview window), your taskbar only shows the windows on that desktop, and you can set keyboard shortcuts for switching between desktops.
- TopDesk - Apple OS X's Expose for Windows. In lay terms, it's a nifty little eye-candy program that makes switching between windows cooler than you ever thought it could be.
- - What's that? Just moved into a new apartment in a big city and don't have any internet till the cable guy comes 2 weeks from now? Well, you're probably not reading my blog if you are, but if you ever find yourself in such a situation, use this site to find somewhere you can get your wireless fix for free.
- Web Sudoku - I started doing sudoku puzzles when my home paper (L.A. Times) began carrying them. They can get pretty tough and are surprisingly enjoyable for a game that involves nothing but numbers....
- Google Firefox Extensions - Little plug-ins of goodness from everyone's favorite search company for everyone's favorite browser. Includes the recently released Google Firefox Toolbar.
- Google SMS - Ok, I know, this is a lot of Google and this one isn't even an internet thing; still, when people ask me about what kind of stuff is left for Google to do, Google SMS is the cool little application no one's heard of but knocks everyone's socks off. SMS a geographic query (e.g. store + zip code: "Jamba Juice 10128") to GOOGL (46645) and Google will text message you back with the address (and phone number) of the nearest store that matches (you can be general too, querying "Ice Cream 02139" yields the addresses for Toscaninis, Dunkin Donuts, and Baskin Robbins). A lifesaver in an urban jungle like Manhattan.
That's it for now. If this stuff is still tickling your pickle, let me know and I can keep this stuff coming.
Move to NYC is almost done -- a few of the last apt. pieces fall into place this weekend.

I am thoroughly incompetent at all things Ikea.